Gabrielle Giffords
It's so horrible that one can work so hard to build their life and another can so senselessly destroy it, through cruel deeds the mind struggles to understand. U.S. Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords went to university for years, obtained degrees and worked to get elected to the legislature. Now, thanks to the misdeeds of a hateful person, Jared Loughner, all that she has worked for has been placed in jeopardy, as she fights for her life in a hospital.
Obama And Palin Fighting Spurred Political Violence
Gabby Giffords Shooter Was Involved In The Occult
U.S. Congresswoman Gabby Giffords Was Being Stalked
Another Mass Murderer Passed The FBI Background Check
U.S. Congresswoman Shot In The Head As Gunman Opens Fire On Crowd