Saturday, January 15, 2011

Because It's Fun To Watch Hillary Clinton Tripp

I just can't get enough of the video posted above, featuring the Wikileaks owned Hillary Clinton - hey, let's face it, they got her good. The U.S. Secretary of State is seen sashaying up the stairs of an airplane, while attempting to board the craft.

Hillary and her tipple Ripple in 2008 after she lost the election to Barack Obama

However, Grace Kelly she is not, as Hillary eats the floor in an unanticipated, but very hilarious slip and fall. Don't look at me like that, because I know you're laughing too. Even Amelia Earhart would have laughed at Hillary hitting the floor like she was diving for home plate (baseball).


United Nations: Hillary Clinton Broke The Law

How Much Will Hillary Clinton Cost Obama

Hillary Clinton Wanted Illegal Access To Cristina Kirchner's Medical Records