Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wikileaks Founder Still In Jail After Bail

Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange, was granted bail today in London, where he is being held on a trumped up rape case, regarding a set up that occurred in Sweden, being run by U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton.

Julian Assange

Assange has been leaking classified government documents through his whistle blower website, Wikileaks, illustrating massive government corruption and wrongdoing, which has enraged the Obama Administration. The case was dropped, but due to terrible political pressure from Hillary and co. reinstated in an attempt to vindictively harm Assange.

Hillary Clinton

Technically, Assange should be free on bail today, as a British judge ordered it so. However, the Swedish Government, under pressure from the U.S. State Department (See: Hillary Clinton), appealed the decision, forcing the British government to detain him for two additional days, until a hearing can be heard on the latest motion.


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