Monday, December 27, 2010

Oprah Winfrey v. Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin (second from the left) and Oprah Winfrey (second from the right)

Two of America's most famous women are engaged in another war of words. Talk show host, Oprah Winfrey, also known as "The O" issued a verbal slap to former and future White House candidate, Sarah "I have a gun" Palin.

Oprah to Sarah: I think I can take you in a fight

When interviewed by Parade and informed of Palin's possible plan to run for the post of President of the United States, Winfrey stated of the be-gunned one, "It does not scare me because I believe in the intelligence of the American public."

Sarah: don't go there girlfriend

It's on like Donkey Kong. Seriously, who would win in a fight between Winfrey and Palin? There's the angry black woman factor working in Winfrey's favor. But but there is also something to be said for the skinny white woman with a gun factor. I'm just teasing regarding both.