Lindsay Lohan
Fallen, drug and alcohol addicted, Hollywood actress, Lindsay Lohan, has been trolling for attention, by creating fake press stories and circulating them for money. Now that her career has dried up, she has taken to inventing incidents and taking payment for disseminating them to paying outlets. Her career has become creating chaos for attention, which is pitiable.
Dina Lohan
Her mother, Dina Lohan, is still delusional about her daughter's faded career, claiming she is turning down movie roles left, right and center, when the word in Hollywood is no one wants to guaranteed any film with Lindsay's name in the cast, as it has now become a red flag.
Dina's mind is still in Lindsay's glory days, when she had millions in the bank and major films in theatres. The family is now broke, as Lohan's earnings have been squandered on drugs, alcohol and lavish living.
Lindsay Lohan and Dina Lohan on the red carpet during her hay day
The Lohans blew so many opportunities that many work hard to acquire. However, Dina Lohan still believes Lindsay is a sought after, hot commodity in Hollywood that everyone wants to work with, when that is not the case. One has to wonder if Mommy Dearest needs drug testing as well, as she is criminally deluded.
Recently, Lindsay and her roommates at a Betty Ford sober house in California, were caught having a party, where alcohol was flowing. Lohan tried to claim she was not involved in the breach, as wait for it...she was at a bar at the time of the incident. Once again, she is not taking sobriety seriously.
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