Tuesday, December 14, 2010

If The Government Were Forthright Sites Like Wikileaks Would Not Expose Them

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange

The government clouds itself in a cloak of secrecy, abusing the Freedom of Information Act, in repeatedly denying the public access to vital documents. As much as former President Bush and current Commander-in-Chief, President Obama, claimed to be transparent, the publicly saw the direct opposite on a regular basis. This arrogant, smug misconduct fuelled the fire to expose them and the government by default.

If the government were honest with the populace, sites would not feel the need to out them as corrupt hypocrites doing damage to the public. The Judiciary Report is of the belief, the government got exactly what it deserved with Wikileaks. They had it coming to them.

The government has been so out of control and very corrupt. They have behaved like a bunch of enfant terribles and little lord Fauntleroys, drunk on so-called power, they conducted themselves as beasts.

I'd never seen such haughtiness and arrogance, puffing up their chests and barking at people they have "sovereign immunity" to do whatever they please, even if it is illegal. Well, now the government can live with the shame and disgrace that accompanies such conduct, with more revelations to come.

The leaks are answered prayer. You need to come down from your collective high horse, before you get knocked off it again, via another scandal and remember you are elected officials, who appointed others, with the alleged goal of serving the public. You are not kings and queens in a dictatorship with the right to abuse people cart blanche.


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