Demi Lovato is currently in rehab
It's sad when young entertainers fall. Disney's Demi Lovato, has done so in a massive way and it is almost as devastatingly bad as the descent of fellow Mouse House actress, Lindsay Lohan. Both actresses made a name out of being adorable Disney starlets, whose youthful cuteness and precociousness made them instant favorites at the network.
"Sonny With A Chance"
Then came the drugs, alcohol, promiscuous sex, risqué photos and fighting that tarnished their names and depleted their bank accounts. Child stars often feel they have to prove they are mature and the method many choose of doing so, creates terrible addictions. Many of them fall into the same traps, not learning from their predecessors.
Lovato is on hiatus, as her show moves on without her, leaving her stuck with a $1,900,000 mortgage on her Toluca Lake home
This month, Demi Lovato's brother, told the world she has a sex tape, which was made when she was underage. This is in addition to claims of a surreptitious video by a third party, reportedly showing Lovato snorting cocaine and going off on a terrible tangent.
She has denied both claims, but given her current status, many believe she is hiding something. Revealing photos have leaked to the internet of Lovato in a lesbian like embrace with other women, while one of them exposes the young star's bra.
Lindsay Lohan is currently in rehab
It's stunning for some to reconcile the fact, Lovato was the same fresh faced teen star of Disney's "Sonny With A Chance." However, it is her and she clearly needs help, because to burn out at age 18 is not a good thing. The best way to show the world you are an adult is by being a responsible and decent human being. Get sober and get active in the community helping others. You won't have time to get into trouble.
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