U.S. President Barack Obama
On September 28, 2010, U.S. President Barack Obama, publicly told supporters to "Stop whining." The Judiciary Report found this very ironic. Two weeks prior to the President saying so to his supporters, on September 14. 2010, in the Judiciary Report article "Teen Banned From America For Calling Obama A Penis" this website told Obama the same, advising him to "Stop Whining."
"The Judiciary Report's advice to Obama is to grow up. You're almost 50. Stop whining about everyone not being your friend and "talking about you like a dog." You're in politics - you should be used to that by now." - September 14. 2010
Side Bar: you do realize getting upset with your supporters and telling them to stop whining, constituted additional whining on your part. It's a vicious cycle. And what's with your obsession in referring to yourself as a dog. You keep doing that. While, I know you get most of your financial advice from First Dog Bo, must you keep saying such things.
Bo: my advice is to spend, spend, spend!
Teen Banned From America For Calling Obama A Penis
Obama: They Are Talking About Me Like A Dog
Obama To Base: 'Stop Whining'
Wednesday, Sept. 29, 2010 - With U.S. Democrats facing the prospect of major losses in the upcoming congressional midterm elections, the White House is taking a hard line with the party's disenchanted liberal base -- telling progressive voters to "stop whining" and get out to vote...