Friday, September 17, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Back To Her Old Partying Ways (Well That Didn't Take Long)

NOTE: The website is still being repeatedly hacked and erased by Madonna's hackers at Digilink, which is creating delays in publishing. Over the past few days, the site has been hacked and articles removed, while other items were defaced and altered. At one point three days ago, the entire frontpage of the Judiciary Report had been criminally hacked and erased from the internet. Today, said hackers from Madonna's psychotic Kabbalah cult, keep trying to deface and remove items from the "Lindsay Lohan Back To Her Old Partying Ways" article, in a crazy attempt to help their fellow cult member. How pathetic and desperate can one be, to resort to such madness, in trying to destroy someone's Constitutional right to Free Speech and Free Press. I am working to fix the problem. Sorry for the inconvenience.

An old photo of Lindsay Lohan partying until she thinks she's gonna puke. Classy.

A few weeks ago, the Judiciary Report stated, once sought after actress, Lindsay Lohan, is back to her old destructive, bad habits again. Yesterday, several magazines reported, Lohan, was spotted partying at a New York night club for several hours.

She arrived in the night, then partied until the early morning hours. She is literally partying her life away. Lohan is spending her life at the club, surrounded by the vices, drugs and alcohol, which got her incarcerated this summer. Some people never learn.


Lindsay Lohan Falling Back Into Bad Habits Again

Lindsay Lohan Out Partying Again


Lindsay Lohan: Falling Back Into Her Old Ways