Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sheriff: Lindsay Lohan To Serve 13 Of 90 Days In Jail

Lindsay Lohan smirking in mugshot, not taking jail seriously

First Mandela, now Lindsay. What kind of world are we living in. In all seriousness, I'm simply reflecting Lindsay Lohan's irrational attitude about her jail sentence, with the aforementioned statement. The Los Angeles' Sheriff stated she will most likely serve only 13-14 days of the original 90-day sentence, which is not enough time to make any impact of Lohan.

Confetti was thrown over Lohan on her way to jail, proving she and her cohorts are not taking things seriously

Yet, she's carried on like she is some innocent flower, unjustly convicted by Judge Marsha Revel, who Lohan routinely disobeyed, disrespected and dishonored, in clear sight of the public.

Lohan smirking again

Lohan repeatedly broke the law and violated probation, setting a horrific example for any audience she had left. She needs to now make the jail experience work for her, in shedding many of the terrible habits she has accumulated in Hollywood, such as drug and alcohol abuse, a 2-pack a day cigarette routine and bad cosmetic surgery. She needs detox as well, to pump some of those toxins out of her system.

She can also use the time in jail to get some rest, instead of partying all the time, as no 24-year-old should have bags under their eyes you could carry luggage in. Clean up your life and show the world you've changed, because if you remain on the perilous path you currently trod, you are undoubtedly going to self-destruct and die at a very early age.

Dina Lohan in court today, living vicariously through her daughter, Lindsay, as mentioned yesterday, who is smirking again, whilst both wear matching hair extensions and very similar clothes

To Dina Lohan: you need to stop enabling your daughter, as you will regret it if you end up standing over her casket, after one of her drug binges ends in an overdose or she dies early from alcohol poising or a combination of both.

Fame and money are not worth that. Not to mention, your little meal ticket will be gone. If you don't get her off the road she is on now, she is going to die very young. That's reality, not the foolishness you are telling her about being better than others.