Friday, July 23, 2010

Congressional Confidence At An All Time Low

U.S. President Barack Obama

According to a Gallup poll, America's confidence in the U.S. Congress has hit an all time low of 10%. This does not spell good news for incumbents, as it illustrates the American people are not happy with Congress' job performance.

The President should also take note of those numbers, as they are a reflection of his administration by extension, due to Obama's Democratic Party having the majority of seats in Congress. It is difficult for a head of state to go wrong, if he or she incorporates the will of the people in governing and that first begins by listening to one's constituency.

Obama and Democrats in Congress

The Judiciary Report is a firm believer that Congress should have term limits on the number of times a politician can be reelected. It makes it more difficult for full blown corruption to take root and become the order of the day. Over the past several years, Congress voted on matters that bred severe corruption, whilst ignoring serious issues that were ticking time bombs (financial crisis that has erupted).