Saturday, July 24, 2010

Anwar Awlaki Eclipsing Osama On The Terror Front

Anwar Awlaki

Due to the Fort Hood shooting last year, which left 13 U.S. soldiers dead on said army base, at the hands of an irate Islamic fundamentalist, Nidal Malik Hasan, the American public became familiar with the name of Muslim cleric, Anwar Awlaki.

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab

Weeks later, Awlaki's name cropped up again, due to a 2009 Christmas Day bombing attempt, on an airliner landing in Detroit, Michigan. Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, a 23-year-old man from a wealthy African family, was beguiled by Awlaki's internet messages of Jihad and threw his freedom away, attempting to blow up 273 people, including himself.

Sharif Mobley

In the arrest of American Muslim extremist, Sharif Mobley, Awlaki's his name was mentioned once again, as he had mentored the young New Jersey native, who delved into a life of terrorism.

Zachary Adam Chesser

This week, authorities arrested Muslim convert, Zachary Adam Chesser, the blogger who ran the pro-jihad website, RevolutionMuslim, which is unabashedly stocked with threats of violence and death against Westerners, particularly Christians and Jews. Islam states anyone that is not a Muslim is to be killed (beheaded).

South Park

Chesser, previously threatened the Jewish creators of the television cartoon, South Park, for showing an image of Mohammad, which is forbidden in Islam. Comedy Central, the network that airs "South Park" eventually pulled the episode in question, not wanting any causalities, for following the Constitution, in exercising their legal right to free speech.

Months after Chesser threatened the creators of South Park, he was arrested this week for attempting to join an Al Qaeda linked terrorist cell that murdered dozens of people. And once again Awlaki's name surfaced as a mentor to Chesser.

Osama Bin Laden

Why is this cleric taking such a prominent role in terrorism and mentoring so many people that go on to wage acts of Jihad against the West. He is steadily eclipsing Osama as the world's primary terrorist figure. He has become their new poster boy. Each new act of terrorism aimed at the West is proving it.

FBI Director, Robert S. Mueller and U.S. President Barack Obama

The question is, how did he fly under the radar of law enforcement for so long and what does the Obama Administration intend to do about what escaped his predecessor's government. No one has been able to apprehend Awlaki. A recent air strike on his alleged home proved unfruitful.