Shaunie O'Neal
Shaunie O'Neal, 35, the soon to be ex-wife of NBA basketball player, Shaquille O'Neal, 38, has been throwing her new relationship in his face. She has been photographed several times with her 23-year-old model boyfriend, Marlon Yates.
Shaunie does not seem intent on being low key, taking the model to numerous high profile events, where she knows they will be photographed. One particular red carpet appearance featured Marlon with his hand on Shaunie's butt, as they smiled for the camera. This was rather distasteful.
Shaunie being groped on the red carpet by Marlon Yates (hand on behind situation)
She also took Marlon to an MTV swag suite event, where famous attendees were informed they would be photographed. Then there were the pictures of her canoodling on the beach in Maui, Hawaii with the young man, all on Shaq's dime. She also has the model around her children she has with Shaquille, which is some what concerning, as she just met Marlon.
The publicity seeking new couple's high profile appearances, clearly are not sitting well O'Neal, who is being provoked. How do we know this? Shaunie accused Shaq in court papers of instructing their son to tell Marlon his daddy will kill him.
Shaunie also violated a confidentiality agreement, which stipulates she is not to discuss their marriage or the terms of her divorce from O'Neal, but used private details thereof, as a publicity tool for her show "Basketball Wives." O'Neal slapped the show with a legal threat if the breach of contract did not desist.
In short, Shaunie needs to stop provoking Shaq. It's not funny or kind. Based on reports, neither party was faithful during the marriage, but considering you made off with a chunk of his fortune, via a divorce settlement and custody of his kids, you could show some restraint in this publicity parade.
You should not push people over the edge, as in a moment of anger, they may loose their cool and lash out. It is not an excuse for potential violence, but why provoke the father of your children to such extremes, putting him in a detrimental position.
Shaq O'Neal's Legal Letter To VH-1 Regarding "Basketball Wives"
Shaunie Complains In Court Papers Of Threats Against Boyfriend