Saturday, May 1, 2010

Madonna Pushing Daughter Into Spotlight

Madonna, realizing her career is dead, due to a number of terrible decisions, her lack of talent that is more prominent that ever, as she is no longer a young pop star, that can sell the only asset she was ever able to use to some degree - sex (nudity), is pushing her 13-year-old troubled, look alike daughter Lourdes, into the spotlight.

Madonna's first attempts at getting her daughter into acting failed, with the Harry Potter film franchise rejecting her. Madonna then tried to include her in other projects, such as a salacious music video released last year and recently pushing her into acting school, with the goal of trying to make her into an actress.

Madonna's daughter

This is definitely bad parenting, from a very bad mother, who has exposed her children to her depraved lifestyle, wanton sexual affairs, a parade of unsuitable boyfriends and girlfriends (bisexual) and is now pushing them into said debauchery face first.