Monday, May 10, 2010

The FBI - Contractors Of Crime

FBI Director Robert S. Mueller

The FBI likes to bill itself as above reproach, but often operates outside the law, to achieve its investigative goals, which are sometimes very dubious. The FBI has caused the deaths of many innocent civilians, in the pursuit of their twisted brand of justice, that often leaves victims of crime in grave danger and dire straits.

The FBI has outsourced its work many times to criminals, thugs, hoodlums, thieves and murderers, labeling them informants, whilst allowing said individuals to break the law at innocent people's expense. The FBI are contractors of crime.

How are you keeping America safe by spying on law abiding journalists and bloggers. That's self interest, as you dislike scoops whistleblower journalists and bloggers publish about your criminal misconduct, the nation and world needs to know about, as it violates domestic and international law.

How are you keeping America safe, by hiring criminals, thugs, hoodlums, thieves and murderers, on taxpayer money, to be so-called informants, getting into dangerous situations that pose a great danger to the public, which you deem collateral damage. Once again, you can't break the law to uphold it.


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