President Barack Obama
U.S. President Barack Obama is the subject of a congressional bill to block requests for a true copy of his birth certificate, as the photocopy that has been provided and scanned to his website, has been labeled a fake, carrying Photoshop digital markings. To be President of the United States, one must be born in America and many contend Obama was born in Kenya (Africa).
Bill would shun Obama birth certificate requests
(AP) – 2 hours ago - HONOLULU — Hawaii lawmakers are moving closer to passing a measure allowing the state to ignore repeated requests for President Barack Obama's birth certificate. A conference committee unanimously voted Tuesday to advance the bill to final votes in the House and Senate. The bill is SB2937.
Information from: Honolulu Star-Bulletin, http://www.starbulletin.com
Anti-Obama 'birthers' face roadblock in Hawaii
Apr 21, 2010 - Some folks in Hawaii are tired of dealing with anti-Obama "birthers." The Hawaii Legislature is close to passing a law that would allow the state to ignore repeated requests for President Obama's birth certificate.
This comes as Obama critics in Arizona try to get its Legislature to pass a law to require Obama -- and other presidential candidates -- to produce their birth certificates before they can get on a ballot...