Saturday, April 3, 2010

Megan Fox Is Delusional

Megan Fox and Michael Bay

The day after the Judiciary Report ran the article Entertainers That Stalk Other Performers a reaction from Fox appeared on Showbiz Spy. Megan Fox stated she turned down the reboot role of "Lara Croft" and is is blaming her unflattering comparisons to actress Angelina Jolie on movie people in Hollywood not knowing how to market her and blogs doing so for website hits. She flatters herself and is delusional, as she is the one that brought the negative comparisons on herself.

Once again, she had plastic surgery to look like Jolie, got the same type of tattoos in the same places on her body, grew out her hair to the same length, claimed the exact same Irish, Indian and French heritage as Jolie, began dressing like her, speaking like her in interviews and then dropped a bomb in stating she wants to be Jolie's girlfriend.

It's your arrogance and covetous ambition that provoked such comparisons. You are also one of the most graceless interviewees in history, as if you had not offered up all that information, most people outside of Hollywood would not have readily spotted your Jolie obsession.

When I first saw Fox in the movie "Transformers" - a role she buffed more than the director's car to get, I didn't think of Angelina Jolie immediately. That's because make-up artists were being paid to cover all Fox's Jolie-esque tattoos each day and stylists dressed her in high school type clothes.

Left to her own devices, Megan speaks, dresses, poses and tattoos herself, just like Jolie, but behaves more like the latter did during her full-on drug years, she is now trying to wean herself off.


Megan Fox Declines Angelina Jolie "Tomb Raider" Role

Entertainers That Stalk Other Performers

Megan Fox Continues To Copy Angelina

Megan Fox Continues To Copy Angelina Jolie Pt 2

MEGAN Fox has turned down the chance to be the next Lara Croft.

Tuesday March 30, 2010 - ...“The media has to package you and sell you somehow and sell their magazines so everybody has to be ‘the new’ or ‘the next’ someone or something,” she said in October last year.

“If I am not a party girl and they can’t sell me as that, and I’m not an Oscar winning actress and they can’t sell me as that, then they have to package me somehow and for some reason they latched on to the Angelina thing because I have a lot of tattoos.

“It was a way to market me and it was a way to sell their magazines or get hits on their blogs — because it makes people uncomfortable if they are unable to put you in a box.”