Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Madonna Paying For Sex

Jesus Luz and Madonna
Pop tart and Kabbalah cult crazie, Madonna, 51, has been paying, Jesus Luz, 23, for sex. According to people in New York and London, privy to the inner workings of the Kabbalah cult that Madonna obsessively yammers on about, as though she has been lobotomized, her relationship with Luz is a business arrangement and included on her tab, is sex with the young man, in exchange for career advancement, a condo and cash payments.
According to a reputable source, as she has built her now fallen career on selling sex (ironically, now she's buying it) she believes the public will associate her with what's hot and view her as youthful and desirable, if she is able to catch a young, nubile male, barely out of his teens (Luz).
The logic being if he likes her, she must be hot. However, it backfired, as standing next to a date that young, made her appear that much older. Luz is practically young enough to be her grandson. It would be one thing if he actually cared for her, but my source says he doesn't and it is strictly a business arrangement for the young man, who is seeking wealth and stardom. Luz is in love with a twenty-something brunette. His deal with Madonna has since cooled off.

Like Guy Ritchie before him, Luz consented to date Madonna, based on the career offers and financial incentives she promised. Madonna suffers from bad plastic surgery and is no knockout like Halle Berry, Megan Fox or Christie Brinkley. Not to mention, she has an awful, obsessive, narcissistic personality with a terrible mean streak.

When one's career becomes Autotune (music), Photoshop (photos) and CGI (videos), it has outlived its shelf-life, to which flatlined Madonna sales attest.

Madonna recently pushing her music to the makers of the television show "Glee" was another desperate stab at reaching teens to thirty-somethings, who don't care for her music, labeling it kitsch from the1980s that pop music has moved on from.

Her new label is scared Madonna's first release with their company is going to fail, as her last CDs have fared very poorly in the sales department. They have offered her a deal shareholders are not happy with and dislike the direction of her new project, deeming she is too old to be Lady Gaga.