Monday, March 1, 2010

"Sarah's Choice" Film Review

Title: Sarah's Choice

Year Of Release: 2009

Review Date: February 28, 2010

Rating: PG

Running time: 93 minutes

Box Office Gross: N/A (TV and DVD)

"Sarah's Choice" is a film starring singer, Rebecca St. James, as a corporate executive, who unexpectedly becomes pregnant and faces a decision between her burgeoning post at an agency, via having an abortion or having her baby and losing a career making promotion.

Through a series of events, God guide's Sarah into making the right decision, regarding not having an abortion. The film also offers hope to women who have had an abortion and are plagued with emotional torment, via exploring the life of Sarah's friend who did.

This movie explores the lamentable hostility towards pregnant women in some work environments. Pregnant women should be treated well and equally in the workplace. It is also important to take care of oneself and limit work hours, especially standing for long periods of time, in the latter stages of pregnancy.