Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Report: Michael Jackson's Nephew Tried To Use Stun Gun On Sons

Jermaine Jackson and family

The U.S. Department of Children and Families made trips to the Encino, California family of home of the late singer, Michael Jackson, under the belief, Jermaine Jackson's son, Jaafar, order stun guns off the internet and tried to use them on the crooner's two sons.

Prince Michael Jackson ("Blanket") and cousin Jaafar Jackson

The Jackson family denies Michael's sons were in danger, but not the purchase of the stun guns. Jaafar must want Joe to give him a Jackson Five special, like he did to Tito in that movie when he messed with his guitar.

Jackson Nephew, 13, Investigated for Allegedly Shocking Cousins Playing with Stun Gun

March 2, 2010 - Child protection authorities were called Monday to the sprawling Los Angeles mansion where Michael Jackson's children and mother live to investigate reports that one of Jackson's nephews purchased a stun gun online and played with it with his young cousins, sources told

One of those sources says they were told that when the children were finally caught using the weapon they allegedly were playing with it and chasing Jackson's youngest son, 8-year-old Prince Michael Jackson, nicknamed Blanket.