Monday, March 1, 2010

Lady Gaga Becoming Lady Crazy

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga's mental breakdown is again beginning to resemble that of pop tart, Britney Spears, more and more everyday. The Mirror (UK) spent a day with Lady Gaga and documented her conduct.

Screaming, tantrums, tearful outbursts and switching clothes with random strangers, in the same manner fellow Kabbalah member Britney Spears behaved before she was committed to a psych ward, is very telling.

Lady GaGa: We spend 24hrs with star and witness screaming tantrums, switching identities and sleepless nights

27/02/2010 - Dressed demurely in a long black raincoat and enormous shades, Lady GaGa quietly beckoned the waitress to her side.

The similarities between the two women were striking. Both were petite with tousled peroxide hair and crimson red lips. And for GaGa, it was an opportunity for mischief too great to resist.

“Let’s swap clothes,” she whispered into the waitress’s ear. “I need those paps off my back.”

Outside the smart Bar and Grill restaurant in the heart of Liverpool, rain-sodden paparazzi had gathered to snap the songstress who had so far evaded them.

To the bemusement of her male companion, Lady GaGa leapt from the table, led the waitress by the hand to the kitchen and ordered her to strip and exchange clothes.

Within minutes, the impromptu decoy was scurrying out of the side entrance chased by a stampede of camera-men, while Lady Gaga and her bodyguards slipped unnoticed through a fire escape and into a waiting car.

Breathless and giggling, she collapsed in the back of the blacked-out Merc and high-fived her companion.

Welcome to the mad, bad court of Lady GaGa, the biggest and most flamboyant pop star on the planet...

Then GaGa – whose 2008 debut album The Fame has netted her a cool £15million – was led up to her £600-a-night penthouse suite where she gathered her entourage for one of her “pep-talks”...

But, instead of hitting the sack, she spent several hours perfecting dance routines on the blustery terrace while continuing to chain-smoke...

GaGa spent the following day preparing for the concert where she had a last-minute change of mind about the set design. Her boyfriend – who she affectionately calls DaDa – repeatedly told her that “everything would be OK” as she burst into tears.

The pair – who have been dating on and off for 12 months – then went to the venue where stage crew were forced to order in new sets just hours before the start.

One crew member said: “She’s mad and completely neurotic. She gets an idea in her head and changes things, saying, ‘It won’t work any other way.’ We started off with 13 trucks of stage equipment and in the end we needed 16.”

During the show itself, her internet entrepreneur father Joseph, 53, watched wide-eyed as his daughter simulated sex with an imaginary penis. She also changed outfits a staggering 15 times...