Holder authored reports and papers that needed to be submitted to Congress, during the time period they were vetting him for the job, but he hid them, which is a violation of the rules.
Mr. Holder seems to be fond of hiding documents, which tells the world he is not fit for the post. Following this line of corruption is going to get him in massive international trouble one day.
For more on Holder's document hiding ways, please read:
Court: Obama's DOJ Lacking Transparency
Obama Birth Certificate Lacks State Seal
AG Holder didn't reveal all legal papers to Senate
19 hours ago - WASHINGTON — Attorney General Eric Holder did not provide senators considering his nomination last year with all of the legal papers he had signed or written while in private practice, Justice Department officials disclosed Friday.
The department alerted the Senate Judiciary Committee about the lapse, listing seven cases in which Holder signed or filed legal briefs that were not previously disclosed. Six of those were so-called friend-of-the-court briefs, which were signed by numerous other ex-officials as well and offered positions on cases with which they were not directly involved...