Thursday, January 7, 2010

Obama's Intel Battle

President Obama

Obama is facing a law enforcement intel battle, in the wake of Fort Hood and the attempted Christmas Day bombing of a Detroit airplane. Numerous national security flaws have been revealed over the past two months, mainly at the FBI, headed up by Robert S. Mueller.

A few months ago, prior to these aforementioned incidents, President Obama commended Mueller during a press conference, which drew sharp criticism in the New York Times, due to said FBI Director's disgraceful track record of abject failure, based in criminal negligence and squandering hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer money.

However, Obama took a massive risk in placing so much confidence in duplicitous, racist Mueller, who is known in legal circles for retaliating against minorities and foreigners, who dare to speak out in Congress, print or online, regarding his misconduct that violates the law. Mueller is an evil, vengeful man willing to misuse U.S. law to get at innocent people.

The fact of the matter is, Mueller is a Republican, who could care less if Obama, a Democrat, is not reelected in 2012. Actually, it is in fact the outcome he desires. Talk about a conflict of interest.

The Judiciary Report's words are proving true, via the October 21, 2009 in the article "New York Times Slams Obama Praise For FBI" published prior to Fort Hood and the attempted Detroit airplane bombing, regarding Obama's confidence in corrupt Mueller:

"Mr. Obama should be careful in his dealings with Mr. Mueller. He and others routinely provided former President George W. Bush with illegally obtained information and a very false sense of security, whilst engaging in wrongdoing and telling the world, 'Trust me, I'm the President.' Where did that get George W. Bush? He is now ensconced in the anus, excuse me, annals of world history as the worst president ever. When you stand with criminals, you will fall with them as well."