Friday, November 20, 2009

Obama And Abortion

President Obama

U.S. President Barack Obama is facing difficulty tonight, over his decisions regarding abortion. Earlier in the year, he legalized stem cell research, which angered many anti-abortion activists. The bill was a bad idea.

Today, he is facing scrutiny from the opposite side of the spectrum, regarding his health care bill limiting abortions. Abortions should not be encouraged. It is not a good thing. It is an offense to God, as every life and baby counts. However, God can forgive you.

At the end of the day, society should seek to promote human life, not destroy it.

Abortion clause raises problems for Obama

Published: November 16 2009 19:42 - The US Senate could start debating its final healthcare reform bill as early as Tuesday, pitting Democrat against Democrat over the controversial question of abortion coverage.

The debate puts Barack Obama, who campaigned as pro-choice, in the middle of one of the most emotional and enduring debates in US politics, potentially forcing him to take sides on an issue he has tried to avoid since becoming president.

The House of Representatives this month passed a healthcare reform bill that would sharply curtail access to abortion. Several Democrats in the Senate have said they want similar restrictions in their own bill...