Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Obamas 17th Anniversary

The Obamas going into restaurant to celebrate their anniversary

U.S. President Barack Obama and his wife, First Lady Michelle Obama, celebrated their 17th wedding anniversary this past weekend, by going for a romantic dinner at a Washington, DC restaurant.

No word if the President's successful date extended into he night at the White House, to round off the celebratory event.

Side Bar: it was just an observation and don't pretend I'm the only one that noticed him smirking at her just as they were headed home from the restaurant:

The Obamas leaving restaurant to go home and celebrate their anniversary some more

The Obamas’ Anniversary Dinner

October 3, 2009, 10:22 pm - President and Michelle Obama arrived at Blue Duck Tavern in Washington to celebrate their anniversary Saturday night The president and first lady arrived at Blue Duck Tavern in Washington to celebrate their anniversary Saturday night.

The first couple celebrated 17 years together with a subdued dinner in Washington’s West End neighborhood on Saturday night...
