Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Megan Fox Eats Crow

Actress Runs Her Mouth While Attempting To Remove Her Foot From It

Megan Fox in Nylon magazine

Weak actress, Megan Fox, was shooting her mouth off again, but this time in Nylon magazine, complaining she is overexposed and it is not her fault. Right. Well, wear more clothes and speak less. It's not that complicated.

However, it should be noted, the minute her film "Jennifer's Body" flopped like a black man at a KKK rally, she immediately signed on to co-star in Transformers 3, to be released in 2011. She originally stated this year that she was not sure if she would commit to the film.

Exploitative, no substance director, Michael Bay, made the "Transformers 3" announcement shortly after. Bay gave Fox her first role at age 15, putting her in a bikini and hosing her down with water for a scene in his movie Bad Boys, starring bisexual actor, Will Smith.

However, this time, instead of "eating boys" as Fox proclaimed she did in the movie "Jennifer's Body" while playing an undead, vampire, demon from hell, she is eating crow, realizing which side her bread is buttered on.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

Side Bar: I was told by a reliable source that promiscuous, man-eater Megan, is after Brad Pitt, the partner of the woman she mimics and emulates in great detail, Angelina Jolie. She has inquired about the couple and is hoping to run into him...and with Pitt's track record...

Megan Fox Sounds Off On Overexposure And That 'Body' In Nylon: Cover Story

Posted 9/30/09 10:35 am ET by MTV News in Movies, On The Newsstand, Photos, Videos

Megan Fox is at it again. In just the last year, the young actress and cover-girl has admitted to cutting herself in Rolling Stone, shared how to pick up guys in Cosmo and discussed her "provocative nature" with Entertainment Weekly.

Now, she's telling Nylon why she feels overexposed after "Transformers" and completely exposed in "Jennifer's Body."

Megan, who was recently boycotted (for like one whole day) by some men's sites, claims the media blitz for "Transformers" caused her to over-extend her welcome in the spotlight. "I was part of a movie that [the studio] wanted to make sure would make $700 million, so they oversaturated the media with their stars," says Megan, about the movie, which for better or worse, made her a household name.

Unlike many aspiring stars her age (she's only 23), Megan says she doesn't want to be in magazines every week or the Internet every day. "I don’t want to have people get completely sick of me before I’ve ever even done something legitimate."

Legitimacy is exactly what she hoped to achieve with her role in the recently released "Jennifer's Body," a dark comedy that doesn't rely on special effects or big explosions.

"That’s no hiding from anything. There’s nothing there to distract you from my performance," she said. "So if it’s bad, it’s going to be f*****g bad for me. And if it’s good, then I will have achieved something on some level.”

Megan also opened up to Nylon about being portrayed as a vixen. “I think people assume that I’m much more sexual than I am,” she says. Of course, her racy pictures in numerous men's magazines haven't done much to contradict that image. But Megan says that's not really her, it's just her way of poking fun at the situation. Right, whatever you say, Megs.

“I tend to have fun doing that, sort of mocking the fact that I’m doing men’s magazines," she says. "Like, yeah, I’m in f*****g underwear. I have ice dripping out of my mouth. I’m gonna give an interview that seems appropriate with that photo shoot."...
