Andrew Cowles and Stephen Gately were introduced to each other by homosexual singer Elton John (I'm sorry, but those flowers in that photo are all wrong!)
The recent death of homosexual boyband member, Stephen Gately, this month, who died suddenly of a heart attack at age 33, while on vacation, has vaulted the subject of domestic violence amongst gays, back into the spotlight.
Gately was “married” to Andrew Cowles, a physically, emotionally and mentally abusive gay man that beat him in public so severely, a photographer had to pull him off the Boyzone singer. Gately was punched and kicked in the head and torso repeatedly, which caused him to bleed profusely (this dude must be related to Chris Brown).
In 2006, Andrew Cowles (right) choked, kicked and punched Stephen Gately until he started bleeding profusely
The row was over his family, who refused to accept Cowles. The two men stepped outside the restaurant, where Cowles unleashed a furious physical attack on the small singer, who reportedly cried his eyes out. Who wouldn't.
After sleeping with another man and kicking Gately out of his own bedroom, not to mention viciously beating him, Cowles stands to inherit his fortune. He does not deserve the money, as he clearly treated Gately very badly.
Stephen Gately's funeral
Statistics show instances of domestic violence among gays, happen much more frequently than with heterosexual couples.
Gay marriage is not God's design. The Bible refers to marriage as a union between a man and woman and that is how God will always view it.
Due to this immovable fact, some gays in Britain and Europe have attempted to have sections of the Bible removed, altered and or labeled hate speech, which is a sin.
God states in the Bible, the Words in the Book are not to be altered. You are unlawfully infringing on others' universal rights to practice their religion in its truest, most authentic form.