Monday, October 5, 2009

David Letterman Target Of Extortion Attempt

"Video: Grand Larceny for 48 Producer CBS"

Hypersexual, adulterous talk show host David Letterman was the target of a $2,000,000 extortion plot, by a fellow CBS employee, Robert Halderman, who has pled not guilty to charges of grand theft larceny.

Halderman has been the producer of the CBS program “48 Hours Mystery” for the past 27-years. The network suspended him pending the criminal case.

U.S. President Barack Obama and David Letterman

For some reason, he needed to make a large amount of money in a relatively short space of time and saw Letterman as the method to do so.

Apparently, Robert Halderman, anonymously demanded $2,000,000 from Letterman to keep quiet about his affairs with members of his staff. Yes, that would be embarrassing for the women involved.

Halderman, who threatened to write a screenplay about Letterman's extramarital affairs, if the comedian didn't pay up, faces 15-years in prison.

Are you guys sure you have the right guy and it wasn’t comedian Jay Leno. You know how those celebrity rivalries can be (joking).

Side Bar: this guy wasn’t very smart with his extortion bid. Everyone knows real extortionists go to the tabloids.

Viewers react with sympathy, disgust for Letterman

Oct 2 03:48 PM US/Eastern - Uncut: Letterman Admits Affairs With Staffers While Revealing $2M Extortion Plot. Woman at Center of Letterman Scandal Often Appeared in Show Skits

Will David Letterman's very public revelation of a new, very human flaw bring him closer to viewers, or will it cloud him in cliche showbiz debauchery?

That was the question many were debating Friday, the day after the CBS "Late Show" host revealed to his audience that he had sexual relationships with female employees and had been the victim of an extortion attempt to keep that information private.

Letterman unraveled the sordid story his way Thursday night, with humor, honesty and self-effacement. He may have endeared himself to some fans, but his likeability has been thrown into jeopardy. Reaction poured in Friday across the Web.

In the comments sections of YouTube videos, the dialogue was two-sided as some came to Letterman's defense, while others were critical of him.

Various jokes used Letterman's production company for a pun: "Dave, keep your `World Wide Pants' on." Some called him a "pervert." Others applauded Letterman for taking responsibility and "manning-up" to the alleged extortionist.

Similar lines were drawn on Twitter, where Letterman was one of the most tweeted-about subjects. He evoked both sympathy and disgust.

Referring to Thursday's studio audience, which laughed through parts of Letterman's somewhat comical telling of the story, New York Times columnist David Carr tweeted: "Aw, now Letterman is his own punchline. Yuck."...