Friday, September 18, 2009

The Two Million March

Conservatives Turn Off Fox News And Hit The Road For Protests

U.S. President Barack Obama

According to some press outlets, an estimated two million conservatives marched on Washington, angry over the spending that has accompanied the Obama administration.

The health care issue has really divided the American people, who are concerned regarding its costs and how much it will add to the already soaring national deficit, former President Bush left behind.

The turnout for the organized march took many by surprise, as most did not expect the sheer number of people that traveled to the nation's capital for the protest.

Crowd management became difficult for the police, as they were caught unprepared for an event that was not given much publicity or forewarning.

However, the successful march was not unlawful, as Americans are guaranteed the right to freedom of assembly. President Obama is also a big boy and as such, would understand what comes with the territory when one becomes a politician.

To illustrate the contrasting point of view in this dispute, the Obama administration contends, many do not understand the breadth of his health care plans, which are being pushed as items that are more reformative than financially costly.