Barack Obama
The Judiciary Report was the first to break
the story regarding the Obama Administration criminally
using the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to target, harass,
bully, defraud and discriminate against conservatives and
Christians (News Report:
The IRS Targeted Christians). Obama initially
denied the claims in public interviews, lying to the public
in stating the IRS did not do this. However, as
investigations wore on, the claims contained in article were
confirmed to be true.
Over a year after the Judiciary Report went
public with the claim, the scandal mushroomed to the point
it ended up in Congress via an acrimonious probe and
denouncement from the legislature, branding the Obama
Administration's conduct at the IRS disgraceful and illegal.
President Obama hates Christians (Wikileaks Email Leak Reveals President Barack Obama Blacklisted
Christians From Jobs In His Administration) and despises
conservatives, as he is a liberal extremist, who lied to get
elected to office.
I've got a new story to break. The Obama
Administration has been politically, maliciously and
criminally tampering with social security payments of
conservatives and Christians and in some cases, their family
members as well, much in the way he did with the IRS. This
behavior is completely criminal. They deserve to be punished
to the full extent of the law for doing such a deplorable,
discriminatory thing. I don't know how some people become so
evil, malicious and petty.
The Obama Administration has
consistently plumbed so many ugly, unlawful, un-American
lows with criminal misconduct that would make the devil
blush, it will become a significant black mark on his
legacy. There will be follow-ups to this story in
forthcoming articles, in the form of exposés.