Donald Trump
A recent report reveals, Donald Trump, has
pledged to eliminate U.S. national debt in two terms, if
elected President of the United States in this year's
election. Two U.S. presidential terms equals eight years in
office. The business mogul made the bold statement while
unveiling his economic plan for America. Trump stated he
would negotiate trade deals to accomplish this goal.
Current U.S. President, Barack Obama, has
sent the national deficit to a record high of $19 trillion
dollars, via wild, unruly, fruitless spending. Obama
promised to lower the national debt, but did the exact
opposite and to America's detriment. This proves what the
Judiciary Report stated all along about America - years of
austerity is the way out of the nation's financial problems
(as well as solid job creation).
The U.S. government spends far too much of
the people's tax money on things not worthy of the funding.
Huge sums of the American people's tax money is tied up in
fulfilling crooked corporate promises made in backend deals
by politicians and their teams, while they were trying to
get into office. Special interests via greedy corporate
entities who want to control America has been the order of
the day and the American taxpayer has unwittingly
underwritten it.
The Bush and Obama presidencies has been
about secret campaign promises in exchange for political
favors, regarding rewarding greedy rich people and wealthy
corporations, for money they initially fronted up to them
during their respective elections. America needs an honest
president willing to clean up the dirty deals and say no