DNA Test Proves Inmate Is Not Prince’s Son
This is a follow up to the May 10, 2016
Judiciary Report article "Over
700 People Have Come Forward Claiming To Be Related To Or
The Mother Of The Children Of The Late Singer Prince"
where the site wrote, “Prince did not father
children by many women nor is he related to half
the planet (his former wife Mayte Garcia gave
birth to a babies that died within a week and
then miscarried a second child). An overwhelming
majority of the people coming forward with these
claims have never even met Prince. These claims
are costly and outrageous. Lawyers for Prince's
estate and the administrator need to put their
foot down, via making it plainly clear, if
anyone files a fraudulent claim, they will be
arrested and prosecuted. If they fail to get
serious regarding these fraudulent claims, the
estate will lose millions of dollars in trying
to sort out baseless paternity and DNA claims.”
This week mainstream reports indicate DNA
tests have now conclusively proven Carlin Q.
Williams is not Prince’s son. I could have told
you that for free. Actually I did. Never mind
the amount of publicity this man was given for
making up a story at a terrible time for
Prince’s family. People needn’t make up stories
about being the offspring of deceased people
that were wealthy, in order to inherit the
assets they leave behind. It is very unethical.
You don’t know how hard people work for their
money and to assume you should con rightful
heirs out of it is not right. Additionally, do
not intrude on the grieving process for the