Shots Fired!
Josh Earnest
Donald Trump
Trump was not amused at the comments by Earnest labeling them "disgusting" and "ridiculous." Trump further stated, "I assume he was joking, but for a presidential make that comment, I thought it was so ridiculous." However, Trump wants to be a "presidential person" as he puts it, yet he inexcusably mocked the appearance of disabled journalist, Serge Kovaleski and unkindly stated of Republican rival Carly Fiorina, "Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president." She is not ugly as articles stated he said of her, but Trump's attitude certainly is...
What the internet thinks of
Trump's appearance:
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'He lied. Just like Obama
lied': Trump says White House press secretary's slam on his
appearance was 'disgusting' and 'ridiculous' (though he assumes
he was joking)
Carly Fiorina Responds To Trump
Calling Her Ugly In Rolling Stone Cover Story: 'Look At That
On Fox News Wednesday night, host Megyn Kelly asked former Hewlett-Packard CEO Fiorina what Trump could have meant by those remarks. "You know, honestly Megyn, I'm not gonna spend a whole cycle wondering what Donald Trump means," Fiorina said with a laugh. "But maybe, just maybe, I'm getting under his skin a little bit, because I am climbing in the polls." "I think those comments speak for themselves," Fiorina said earlier in the interview.
New York Times slams
'outrageous' Donald Trump for mocking reporter's disability
In 2001, he was a journalist at the Washington Post and one of the authors of a report cited by Trump in defence of his 9/11 claim. (The Washington Post has since added a disclaimer to the report, distancing it from the claims.) The 2001 report said that “law enforcement authorities [in Jersey City] detained and questioned a number of people who were allegedly seen celebrating the attacks and holding tailgate-style parties on rooftops”.
In the wake of Trump’s insistence that “thousands and thousands of people were cheering” as the World Trade Center was destroyed, Kovaleski this week said he did not recall “anyone saying there were thousands, or even hundreds, of people celebrating”...