Brown returning home and finding out his home was
burglarized and his aunt held at gunpoint
Police are investigating the gang banger friends of singer Chris Brown, regarding the home invasion robbery where his money and valuables were stolen and his aunt shoved into a closet at gunpoint. Police are following a line of investigation regarding Brown’s Bloods gang member friends being aware of his home safe containing $50,000 the singer was paid for a club appearance.
When recording artists make club appearances or do performances in said type of venue, they are paid a deposit and the remainder of the money, many times in cash, after they fulfill their obligation. The gun wielding men who broke into Brown’s new mansion and held his aunt at gunpoint, expressed they knew the property belongs to the singer and made reference to the $50,000 in the safe. Police are also investigating the possibility a club promoter was in on the heist. Brown’s computer, electronics and other valuables were taken in the robbery.
Side Bar: Chris Brown’s mom Joyce Hawkins and his ex-girlfriend, Karrueche Tran, expressed concern about the people Brown began hanging out with and their worst fears regarding them are being realized. This time no one was physically injured, but if he continues down this path with them as friends, next time things may not work out the same.
Chris Brown Cops Zeroing in on
Club Promoters In Home Invasion
7/16/2015 10:30 AM PDT - Cops have a hot lead on who is behind the home invasion robbery at Chris Brown's house ... and it centers around a recent club appearance where Chris was paid a fortune in cash. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ, they believe the mastermind behind Wednesday's break-in was someone who knew Chris had just received $50,000 in cash for a nightclub gig. We're told Chris typically does not have huge amounts of money lying around, so having it at the house was unusual.
TMZ broke the story ... the robbers made it clear to Chris' aunt who was in the house that they knew the identity of the homeowner. The robbers demanded to know from the aunt the location of the safe, and during the robbery they let it slip they knew about the $50k. Law enforcement sources say only a few people knew about the cash, and they believe a promoter is a likely suspect of masterminding the heist.