Thursday, August 8, 2013

Rapper Accusing Jay-Z Of Trying To Cheat On Beyonce With Her Connected To Love And Hip Hop Atlanta


Beyonce, Beyonce and their daughter Blue, who looks a lot like him

Miami rapper Liv recently stated in an interview that rapper Jay-Z, who is married to singer Beyonce, tried to make her his mistress, but she declined. Some tried to question her story, but many online believe her claims, Jay-Z has not been able to respond to in any measure.

Karlie Redd

According to blog reports, Liv is the sister of reality star Karlie Redd from "Love And Hip Hop Atlanta." Karlie is a singer and model, who has been in confrontations on the show, whose series two finale was watched by 6,000,000 viewers.



Shortly after Liv made the claim regarding Jay-Z, Beyonce brought him out on stage at her concert in a show of solidarity. Beyonce keeps reinforcing Jay’s cheating conduct, by pretending to the public it is okay, when such behavior is not in any fashion. His cheating will get worse as long as she continues to tolerate it.