This is a follow up to the article
Bieber In Trouble With Animal Rights Group For Giving Away His Hamster.
Well, Bieber's hamster Pac has kicked the bucket. Keeled over. Finito.
Did I mention he died. Probably missed Bieber or saw his confrontation
with the paparazzo last week and his little heart couldn't take
Bieber is definitely having a rough year - from leaked marijuana
pics, getting booed on stage by his own fans, his friend repeatedly getting
stopped by police in and wrecking his $100,000 car and getting kicked out
of the club on his birthday two weeks ago, among other things.
Justin Bieber’s Former Hamster Pac Passes Away
March 12, 2013 at 8:12 pm EDT OK seriously, Justin Bieber is having
the worst. month. ever. Not only did he have the "worst
birthday," but he passed out during a concert, his car was
involved in a hit and run, he lunged and cursed at a paraprazzo, had to
cancel a concert in Portugal, his ex-GF basically called him a douche
bag in front of the whole world, and now, his beloved pet hamster Pac
has gone to hamster heaven.