Friday, February 8, 2013

Worst Picture Of Beyonce Ever Reveals Something Has Gone Wrong With Her (Photo)

Too Much Coaching From A Crazy Mentor Has Ruined Her Looks


Beyonce's neck and body are looking like are darker version of Madonna's manly figure. People online are calling Beyonce "hulk." What has Madonna done to her!


Madonna, whom the Judiciary Report has repeatedly referred to as He-Man, She-Man and Hulk, performed at the Super Bowl last year (no, not as a football player, during the half time show) 

A newly released photo of Beyonce from the Super Bowl half time show is possibly the worst picture of her ever. The singer, who has undergone plastic surgery (and clearly weight lighting classes) has ruined her looks. Beyonce never used to look like this. Her concert photos have never looked so weird, but they do now. Beyonce looked better before.


The singer, who is mixed up with Madonna's devil worshipping Kabbalah cult, who call themselves the "Illuminati" have messed her up on so many levels. It is a very controlling group, who like to tell members how to dress, what to say and what to do. Experts have officially labeled Kabbalah a "cult" with the IRS investigating them for financial fraud.




Disc jockeys and other entertainment industry people have been saying Beyonce has gone crazy, as she has been doing strange things behind the scenes. However, the latest photos of her make her look insane and borderline disfigured. Why would she destroy herself like that, unless she'd gone crazy. The new look doesn't suit her.