Thursday, January 10, 2013

President Obama Gives Detailed Response To The Deport Piers Morgan Petition Indicating It's Not Gonna Happen (Video)

U.S. President Barack Obama has issued a detailed response to the popular petition to deport CNN talk show host Piers Morgan to Britain, for challenging the Second Amendment, which is the right to bear arms in America. Obama basically asserted the First Amendment, the right to free speech, as the reason for not deporting Morgan.

Obama: I'm not walking into that trap

However, I know the real reason he didn't want to deport Morgan. The government could not deport Piers back to the UK, because the people of Britain made it clear, "We don't want him back." It's not like you're trying to get a beloved entertainer or sports figure like Barbara Windsor, Mo Farah or Jessica Ennis deported back to Britain, as they'd be welcomed back with open arms.

Piers Morgan: I'm winning like Charlie Sheen

You are trying to deport A TABLOID EDITOR. Let that sink in - A TABLOID EDITOR. The British people are liable to declare war on America for that (haha). I can just hear them now, "That's it! The Yanks have gone too far this time. We got rid of the bugger and now they are trying to send him back." I know I'd declare it an act of war.