Wednesday, January 30, 2013

It's Happened! Kristen Stewart Has Destroyed The Marriage Of Liberty Ross And Rupert Sanders

Married director Rupert Sanders and Kristen Stewart

Kristen Stewart's reckless affair with director Rupert Sanders, captured in part by paparazzi pics, has led to his wife, Liberty Ross filing for divorce. Ross struggled with Sanders high profile infidelity and decided to end their marriage. Sanders publicly apologized and tried to keep his wife, but after months of turmoil, she decided they should part ways. How sad.


Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart
Stewart didn't have to do this. Her greedy, thoughtless behavior has changed the lives of Ross and her two young children, who are now the product of a broken home. You've changed their lives for good over a man you don't even love and cheated with because you could. Same is to be said about Sanders as well. I wish people would think ahead to the end result of their decisions, as no good has come from this one.