Tuesday, November 13, 2012

General David Patraeus Who Is Used To Fighting In Battle Has Women Fighting Over Him In Obama Administration Scandal

David Patraeus and Paula Broadwell

U.S. General David Patraeus, who has just resigned from his post as CIA Director, due to an adultery scandal, must be taking a Viagra drip, because not only was he cheating with one woman, a second one has now entered the picture. Mistress number one, Paula Broadwell, began writing threatening emails to mistress number two, Jill Kelley (both women are married as well). Kelley contacted the FBI over the anonymous email threats and the agency hid the scandal until the election passed to help President Obama.

David Patraeus and Paula Broadwell

Now Congress wants answers as to why they were allegedly kept in the dark. But let's face it, if (and since) the Judiciary Report hears things about folks, I know certain members of Congress hear stuff as well. However, they just choose to keep it secret or use it as leverage at a later date. So don't fall for Congress feigning surprise. Some knew, but some didn't.

Holly Patraeus, Scott Kelley and his wife Jill Kelley, who has been cheating with Holly's husband General David Patraeus

It must be a thing in Washington, as the Judiciary Report stated two years ago, FBI Director Robert S. Mueller, who oversaw the hypocritical investigation into Patraeus, has cheated on his wife with two younger chicks at the same time (who clearly have a strong stomach to be letting that crawl into bed with them). But I digress...

FBI Director Robert S. Mueller and Barack Obama agreed to throw Patraeus under the bus, while hiding their own dirt.

Patraeus is clearly a pimp daddy, but this is not the way to live. His wife Holly Patraeus must be devastated, as no one wants this for their marriage. It's time Patraeus recommits himself to his wife and family, as adultery has ended his government career on a negative note and offended a woman that has stood by him for 37-years.