Thursday, November 15, 2012

David Patraeus Sex Scandal Is Scaring High Ranking Government Officials In America


David Patraeus and one of his mistresses, Jill Kelley, who is looking awfully flirty with him

The sex scandal of General David Patraeus, has scared some high ranking government officials in Washington, Virginia, Maryland and New York, who are fearful their dirty secrets will hit the press and damage their marriages. Some are stunned Patraeus' dirty laundry has been put out for public consumption and see it as a warning shot to fall in line with the administration or face undesirable consequences. 

Patraeus has not been outed as having committed a crime, but some are treating him as though he has, due to cheating on his wife of 37-years, Holly Patraeus. The whole thing looks like a witch hunt. By all accounts, Patraeus has served his country for a long time, so it's off putting to some that he is being made an example of. It gives the impression someone wanted to ruin him. After all, they could have just let him quietly retire. 

Items the Judiciary Report published days ago in articles regarding the Patraeus scandal were shown to be true days later. For instance, in the November 12. 2012 Judiciary Report article titled "General David Patraeus Who Is Used To Fighting In Battle Has Women Fighting Over Him In Obama Administration Scandal" the site stated some members of Congress knew of the general's affair, but kept silent. The next day, the Daily Mail (UK) confirmed select members of Congress knew of the scandal months before the story broke in the press.  

David Patraeus and Paula Broadwell

In the November 10. 2012 Judiciary Report article "It Is Hypocritical That David Patraeus Be Forced To Resign From The Obama Administration Over Affair" the site wrote FBI agents are too freaky for their own good and it is hypocritical for them to be investigating the Patraeus sex scandal. Two days later, the Daily Mail published an article about a "rogue FBI agent" trying to get in on the action, via sending one of Patraeus' mistresses, Jill Kelley, a topless picture of himself, soliciting sex from her. I'm going to write this as maturely as I can, "I told you so!"

One of Patraeus' mistresses, Paula Broadwell (how ironic the word "broad" is in her name) being raided by the FBI, gives the impression she was up to something unsavory. One has to be careful with some, not all writers, who would love to obtain national secrets under false pretenses and abuse journalism laws shielding sources, to publish said classified material for a big payday.

The Judiciary Report is most sympathetic to Mrs. Patraeus, as the revelations about his mistresses had to have proverbially pulled the rug out from under her. Girl, email me and I'll help you beatdown his mistresses. Wear your Nikes. They give better traction when you're trying to put your foot up someone's butt. *Reads that one of Patraeus' mistresses is good with a gun.* You know what, on second thought, maybe we scrap the fighting thing and just call them names online (wink).