Thursday, October 4, 2012

Mitt Romney Declared The Winner Of The First Presidential Debate Beating Barack Obama

Mitt Romney and Barack Obama

It is unanimous, Mitt Romney has been declared the winner of the first U.S. presidential debate against incumbent, President Barack Obama. A very assertive Romney pummeled President Obama in the debates last night that took place in Colorado. Romney repeatedly invoked the battered state of the U.S. economy and the fact the economic numbers are worse than when Obama took office.

A hilarious reversal of fortune hair, regarding what each candidate would look like with their hairstyles reversed (Photo Spoof Credit: YourFavWhiteGuy)

Romney showed up ready for him, but Obama seemed to phone it in. Obama seemed overly subdued throughout the debate. He appeared defeated, demoralized and depressed from the outset. Many of his supporters in the press were mortified at his performance, openly stating Romney had gotten the better of him and on a national stage. One report even suggested Obama shook Romney's hand at the end of the debate and stated, "You won."