Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Doctors In America Endorse Mitt Romney Over Barack Obama In The 2012 Presidential Election

Barack Obama

A new poll states doctors in America have endorsed presidential candidate Mitt Romney over  incumbent, President Barack Obama. A survey by Jackson & Corker found if the election were held today 55% of physicians would vote for Mitt Romney. This should not come as a surprise.


Mitt Romney

This is a strong rebuke of President Obama's ObamaCare health care plan that needs a significant amount of work if it is to help as many Americans as possible, while not bankrupting the nation. 15% of voters in the survey are also switching from Obama to Romney as well. According to the survey, "Fifteen percent of respondents said they were switching their vote from Obama in 2008 to Romney in 2012. The top reasons cited for this change was the Affordable Care Act and the failure to address tort reform."