Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Heiress Eva Rausing Died Hiding A Deadly Secret Of Someone’s Connection To Crime

Eva Rausing and Hans Rausing before drugs consumed them

American heiress Eva Rausing took a secret with her to an untimely grave, after police discovered her dead, decomposing body under a pile of clothes and garbage bags at her mansion in London, England. Her husband, multi-billionaire Swedish Tetra Pak heir, Hans Rausing, was arrested and given a suspended sentence, regarding the improper burial. He has also been disinherited by his family. The couple were drug addicts, who met in rehab and married shortly after.

The Metropolitan Police in London, England have uncovered emails on Eva Rausing’s computer, which make mention of the 1986 assassination of former Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme, who was gunned down one night on his way home in Stockholm, Sweden.


 Eva Rausing (left) and Hans Rausing (right) this year, after drugs took a terrible toll on them

Rausing sent an explosive email to journalist Gunnar Wall in June of 2011, stating she knows who killed Palme and is scared he might come after her. She described the killer as a businessman and stated she knows where the murder weapon is hidden. The Met Police sent the emails authored by Rausing to Swedish authorities.

I’m going to state what many of you are thinking - did Rausing die of a drug overdose or was she killed because she knew the identity of Palme’s killer. Another secret Rausing has taken to the grave with her, in what was a tragic end to a woman that could have done so much more in life, had she been able to successfully beat her addictions.