FBI Director Robert S. Mueller is a power hungry,
mentally insane madman intent on spying on as many people as possible,
without any legal justification for doing so. He has spied on Americans and
foreigners in other nations alike, in criminal violation of domestic and international law.
ZDNet summarized the story as, "Hackers associated with Anonymous have published a million unique device identifiers from Apple devices, claiming they were taken from an FBI computer. The alleged hack was intended to publicise the existence of some kind of secret FBI tracking project."
President Obama (right) and his Attorney General, Eric
Holder of the Department of Justice, the parent agency of the FBI
They've gone power mad at the FBI and President Obama has looked the other way to it, as the agency illegally spies on his rivals in American politics, business, science, medicine journalism and blogging. The FBI is holding that over Obama's head in the event the president finally has a guilty conscience about allowing them to spy on millions of Americans, who are not criminals or involved in any illegal activity directly or indirectly. The FBI are unequivocally the most corrupt law enforcement agency in existence. I've broken scandals online regarding them that later proved to be true. Therefore, I have no reason to lie about them or anyone else and time and time again my words have been proven 100% true and correct.