Title: Blue Whale
Year Of Release: 2012
Review Date: August 31, 2012
Rating: PG
Running time: 60 minutes
Box Office Gross: N/A
Site Rating: 5 out of 10 stars
The documentary "Blue Whale" was something else. I
learned a few things. For instance, did you know that whales have willies (it
looks like a long tongue). I did not know this, nor did I think to inquire. The
whales mating process in this documentary is quite graphic. Five male whales
had sex with one female whale (bimbo).
Technically this documentary was whale porn and the
cameraman really had no business getting that close during this segment. They
don't even tell you the scene is coming. Oh, the carnage. This documentary
scarred me a bit. I didn't know what to make of it. The female whale having sex
with five male whales was the human equivalent of Kim Kardashian.