Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Michelle Obama Lectures Gold Medalist Gabby Douglas About Fast Food But What About President Obama

Note 8-16-12: in this article yesterday, I wrote the word "crisps" instead of "chips." I knew better, but was rushing to finish the column on time. Sorry for the typo.


First Lady Michelle Obama and Gabby Douglas on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno

U.S. First Lady, Michelle Obama, lectured gold medal winning gymnast, Gabby Douglas, because she treated herself to food at McDonalds after her extraordinary win (it seems quite a few of the athletes like it, as gold medal winning sprinter Usain Bolt appears to be in love with their Chicken McNuggets - they really need to give him an endorsement deal). But I digress...

There's a phrase that goes "Charity begins at home." The Judiciary Report is also of the belief preaching begins at home. As stated before, President Barack Obama only eats healthy food in the presence of his wife, Mrs. Obama. However, when her back is turned, it's on. May I point to the evidence:

Exhibit A: Here the president is scene demolishing what appears to be a chicken leg (I can't tell anymore because he's destroyed it) like it is going out of style (that bird didn't have a chance):

Exhibit B: In this picture, the president is seen inhaling a piece of pizza like his life depended on it:

Exhibit C: Oh and here the president is attempting to fit half of a hamburger in his mouth like Fred Flintstone:

Exhibit D: I'm not even sure what that is, it could be pancakes loaded with syrup, but whatever it is, it is gone: 

Exhibit E: Let's not forget about dessert:   


And do notice, Mrs. Obama isn't in any of these pictures. I rest my case. By the way, is Obama's obsession with fast food really healthy (*look of condescension*). Oh, the hypocrisy of some people (*writer says while biting into a delicious, crispy KFC chicken wing*). What was I talking about again? The chicken wing distracted me.

Side Bar: You notice a lot of the athletes at the Olympics were having fast food cravings they had to postpone until winning. There's Bolt with the McNuggets. Jessica Ennis made dash for the fries (chips) after her race. The Brown-Lee brothers were talking about devouring pizza and fries (chips).