Thursday, August 30, 2012

Fan Asks Justin Bieber Lewd Sexual Question About The Female Anatomy

Warning: Video contains vulgarity and profane speech


A horny Justin Bieber fan, who appears to be in her teens, asked the 18-year-old pop star, "Are you an as* or t*ts man." Let's clear something up. Number one, Bieber is barely a man. Number two, the question made poor Bieber blush with embarrassment and shock. Number three, there are better ways to tell Bieber you like him. One can tell he was made quite uncomfortable by the question. 

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber

If you want to make a good impression with a guy, be sincere. If you are overtly sexual, he will take you for granted and assume you are like this with all the men you meet. Furthermore, in approaching Bieber in that manner, you run the risk of being beaten up by his girlfriend Selena Gomez. So, unless you think you can beat a skinny Spanish girl in a fight, who has been trained to believe she is Harry Potter, leave the Bieber alone (just teasing).