Friday, May 4, 2012

Justin Bieber Confirms His New Song About Mariah Yeater Is His Billie Jean

Justin Bieber
On April 27, 2012 the Judiciary Report published the article Justin Bieber Pulls A Michael Jackson Writing His Own "Billie Jean" For New Album. A week later the Bieber confirmed the Judiciary Report's claims the song in question on his forthcoming new CD is his "Billie Jean."

Bieber also danced around the subject of how he chose the video girl for the clip "Boyfriend." He was asked "How did you pick the girl in it?" to which Bieber responded, "They had two girls based on the pictures and we picked the one who looked best on camera. It was kind of a group thing. She was like really beautiful but on camera it gave this cool vibe. She looked like Pocahontas."

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

Yea right, he just said that so his girlfriend Selena Gomez wouldn't get mad and smack him up. Did you also notice the "Pocahontas" reference Bieber made, which mirrors his interracial relationship with Gomez (*making mocking kissing noises*).

Lastly, Bieber discussed an elevator game he plays with his bodyguard Kenny that should be a point of worry for his parents. Bieber revealed, "In an elevator. Kenny and all us have this game where we just hit each other in the balls. It’s just funny." If you want to have any little Biebers in the future, I suggest you stop doing that or there will be no MexiCanadian babies with Gomez.

Justin Bieber

Side Bar: Bieber could have used another argument in his defense during the brief paternity case. He could have stated the child is not his, because the baby did not wear his pants sagging below his butt. Case closed. Once again Bieber, pull those pants up and stop showing your little butt. That goes for all of you out there doing that.


Justin Bieber: Song About Mariah Yeater Is Like My ‘Billie Jean’ 
10.17 PM EDT 05.03.2012 - Justin Bieber revealed more details about the song he wrote after falsely being accused by Mariah Yeater of fathering her child! Justin Bieber has always felt a connection to the late Michael Jackson, but we doubt he ever expected it to be like this one! The 18-year-old pop star was accused by a girl named Mariah Yeater of fathering her child — something that was totally untrue and he’s now singing about on his upcoming album, Believe.

“The baby situation — which was totally not true, by the way — I wrote a song about that,” Justin said during an interview with MTV May 3. “It’s on there. It’s like my ‘Billie Jean.’ At the end of the day, I’m human. I go through all the problems you go through.”...

*What do you think of “Boyfriend”?
I’m happy. I mean, I kind of switched it up from all the teasers. I wanted to do something that was a little more mature. My fans are all growing with me. It was something more mature and that all my fans would like.

*How did you pick the girl in it?
They had two girls based on the pictures and we picked the one who looked best on camera. It was kind of a group thing. She was like really beautiful but on camera it gave this cool vibe. She looked like Pocahantas... 

*Tell us about your elevator game.
In an elevator. Kenny and all us have this game where we just hit each other in the balls. It’s just funny...