Wednesday, May 9, 2012

George Zimmerman Pleads Not Guilty In The Murder Of Teenager Trayvon Martin

George Zimmerman

Neighborhood watch captain, George Zimmerman, has pled not guilty in the cold blood killing of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman shot Martin dead as he deemed the youngster a "black male" that was "suspicious." Zimmerman had no foundation for such a racist conclusion, as the young boy had every right to walk through his dad's neighborhood, after purchasing snacks to watch the NBA All Star basketball game on television.

Trayvon Martin

The divisive case continues to spur racial incidents and acts of violence from whites and blacks, in conduct that is unnecessary. The public needs to keep the peace and see the case through to completition. If Zimmerman is acquitted or slapped on the wrist for murdering a defenseless boy, sweeping financial boycotts of Sanford, Florida should ensue, lest more Trayvons are killed by emboldened vigilantes.